The Group

Only Stage

Only Stage is an innovative management and production company operating in the Art world. Based in London, it has made diversity andinclusivity two of the principal values of its daily work and since the last years it has established itself as one of the game-changing organizations in the UK. The company manages a roster of more than 40 artists from all over the world as well as various artistic projects. Only Stage main focus is to develop innovative art projects and provide cultural institutions with creative ideas and top-quality solutions, always combining the importance of tradition with the main role ofinnovation. The company collaborates with the most important English institutions such as the PhilharmoniaRoyal Philharmonic OrchestraLondon Philharmonic Orchestra, English National OperaRoyal Opera House and abroad with the most world-renowned theaters and concert halls such as Sydney Opera HouseLa Scala TheatreTheatre MarinskyTokyo New National TheatreNCPA in China and many others.

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